A whole lot of thought... that's what's in a name. When I started making bows, Sew Cute Bags just didn't fit anymore. I searched and searched for a good name. I like a fun name... not too serious. Something that is really "me"... you know?
I was on the phone with my friend Danette... and she tells me about a lady who's daughter is ALWAYS wearing bows... or "No Bow... No Go" as her husband called it. "
Whaaaaatttt?" I say... What did you call her? So she explains that No Bow... No Go is like American Express for
hairbows... you don't leave home without it. It wasn't long before I was asking permission to use this fun and very fitting name.
Obviously she said yes, however, she constantly reminds me that I owe my life to her. I offered my first born, but she knows him too well and wasn't up for the challenge.
Of course, her husband says he made it up, but I've since heard that this has been a "
Suthin Thang" for quite some time. This native Californian certainly had never heard of it... so I'll give him all the credit... THANKS
Oh, and don't tell the locals I'm from California... they frown on that here in Texas ;
oDI'm off to go drink my sweat tea under an umbrella with my best beau. Y'all come back now... ya hear?